#135 - Largest Prime, Data for Farmers, and Giant Rats!
Welcome to the Impact Labs Newsletter! If you like what you see and know others who would be interested in subscribing, send them this email and they can join the fam by signing up here! 😀
In the News
New record for the largest prime! 2136,279,841 – 1 would fill 20,000 of a book if written out completely.
Novel candidates for more effective malaria vaccines are being discovered.
Citric acid is found to be an effective way of recycling spent lithium-ion batteries.
We may have passed peak beef consumption.
Our World in Data dives deep into how farmers will need to adapt their crops to mitigate the affects of climate change.
Applications for the Impact Fellowship are closing on December 3rd!
Cohere is seeking a Technical Governance and Responsible AI Researcher. They help enterprises plug into advanced AI systems, so it’s important to have kind, ethical people supporting the decisions they make.
Evidence Action scales cost-effective, evidence-based programs that reduce the burden of poverty for millions of people across Africa and Asia. They’re seeking a software engineering intern.
Data.org has applications open until December 1st for their AI Institute Fellowship program!
What We’re Watching
Women in Mexico who are gig workers are using technology to make a dangerous job safer.
create.one is super cool! We discovered it recently and we think it has the potential to revolutionize the fashion industry.
Giant rats (with cute vests!) are being used to sniff out illegal wildlife trafficking.
Police chiefs are talking about AI and it’s not ideal.
Quotes We Love
“The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you'll make one.”
- Elbert Hubbard
That’s all for now! See you in your inbox in another two weeks! ❤️